Monday, February 27, 2012


Just finished watching the Oscars and have to say I love every minute of it.  I love the opening number, the corny jokes, the award for sound editing.  It's so inspiring to see people achieve their dreams.  Often my favorite acceptance speech is from someone I've never heard of.  This year is no exception and goes to the father and daughter, what a great moment for both to them. 

Jenn and I did really bad this year and didn't see many of the nominees.  We did see The Artist which I wrote about and you can read on this blog.  So happy that it won for actor, director and best movie.  They deserved every bit of it.  Also happy the Iran movie won, while I haven't seen it I have heard of it and Lord knows that country needs any happiness available. 

Every year since I first started watching the Oscars as a kid along with probably everyone else I write an Oscar speech in my head.  This year would have started with me finding and looking at Steven Spielberg and thanking him for making me love movies then apologizing for not seeing War Horse.  Follow it with typical thanks to the wife and kids I don't have(I am so thankful for that), everybody in the movie and then end it like I have since 8th grade that I would like to unthank my 8th science teacher Mr Kimbel who once said he wanted to put my head through the door.  Then put my arm around whatever actress presented the award and walk off stage.

Last thought for the night, Angelina Jolie needs to be reintroduced to food.

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