Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today is Ash Wednesday and first day of Lent.  I had planned on writing about Lent and talk about being a Catholic but something interesting happened at Mass today which made me change my mind.

I will say instead of giving up something I plan on writing everyday for these 40 days.  Some of it you will see and some you won't.  This is very intimidating and will show more resolve and strength than anything I could possibly give up.  Well, maybe TV would be harder but we all know that's not happening.

I'm hoping in these 40 days somewhere will come the idea for the short film I would like to do this year and hopefully this will start the habit of writing daily that I have wanted to do for so long.  If you had a question on Family Feud that was "Advice writers give on being a writer"  the number one answer would be to write everyday.  Sounds so easy doesn't it.  Wanna be a writer?  Well... write something.  It has taken me years and probably decades to finally take this advice.

I just remembered that one year ago I made this same vow to write everyday for Lent.  I made it one day.  I just read it and it's very depressing.   I realize I'm in the same space and still haven't changed.  Today has to be that day.  Tomorrow has to be that day.  The day after that has to be that day.  Forty days from now has to be that day.

Matthew 6:1-6, 16-18

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